Fontes Annual Report 2017

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Substituição articulação ortopédica 

1 Endoprothesenregister Deutschland (2016): Jahresbericht 2016. Mit Sicherheit mehr Qualität
2 Statista (2018): Anzahl der Implantationen künstlicher Hüftgelenke in ausgewählten OECD-Ländern in den Jahren 2011 bis 2015 (je 100.000 Einwohner).
182669/umfrage/hueftgelenksoperationen-in-ausgewaehlten-oecd-laendern/ (viewed on 01 March 2018)
3 Bleß, H.-H., & Kip, M. (Hrsg., 2016): Weißbuch Gelenkersatz. Versorgungssituation endoprothetischer Hüft- und Knieoperationen in Deutschland
4 Grupp, T.M., et al. (2014): Biotribology of a vitamin E-stabilized polyethylene for hip arthroplasty - Influence of artificial ageing and third-body particles on wear. Acta Biomater 10 (7): 3068-78
5 Morlock, M.M., Bishop, N., & Kaddick, C. (2011): Welche Hüftgelenkgleitpaarung für welchen Patienten? Tribologie der Zukunft. Der Orthopäde 40 (12): 1061-67
6 Schnurr, C., et al. (2017): Low short-stem revision rates: 1-11 year results from 1888 total hip arthroplasties. The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2): 487-93

Oferecendo um melhor caminho

Cuidados em continência e urologia 

1 Markland, A.D., Richert, H.E., Fwu, C.-W., Eggers, P., & Kusek, J.W. (2011): Prevalence and trends of urinary incontinence in adults in the United States, 2001 to 2008. The Journal of Urology, 186 (2): 589-593. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
2 Quellen der angegebenen Daten:
Spina bifida
NIH (2018): Spina Bifida Fact Sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
University Hospital Southhampton (2014): Long term problems associated with Spina Bifida. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Spinal cord injury
WHO (2013): Spinal cord injury. Fact Sheet N°384. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Ruffion, A., et al.: Systematic Review of the Epidemiology of Urinary Incontinence and Detrusor Overactivity among Patients with Neurogenic Overactive Bladder. Neuroepidemiology 2013;41(3-4):146-155
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (2017): Common Questions. How many people have MS? (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Ruffion, A., et al.: Systematic Review of the Epidemiology of Urinary Incontinence and Detrusor Overactivity among Patients with Neurogenic Overactive Bladder. Neuroepidemiology 2013;41(3-4):146-155
Prostate cancer
World Cancer Research Fund International (2018): Prostate Cancer Statistics. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Prostate Cancer Foundation (2018): Urinary Dysfunction. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
American Heart Association (2017): Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2017. At a Glance. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Ruffion, A., et al.: Systematic Review of the Epidemiology of Urinary Incontinence and Detrusor Overactivity among Patients with Neurogenic Overactive Bladder. Neuroepidemiology 2013;41(3-4):146-155
Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s Foundation (2018): Statistics. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Ruffion, A., et al.: Systematic Review of the Epidemiology of Urinary Incontinence and Detrusor Overactivity among Patients with Neurogenic Overactive Bladder. Neuroepidemiology 2013;41(3-4):146-155
Bladder cancer
Cancer Research UK (n.d.): Bladder cancer incidence statistics. (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (2018): Blasenkrebs, Harnblasenkrebs – Erkrankungsverlauf (viewed on 01 March 2018)
Alzheimer’s disease
Mayeux, R. and Stern Y.: Epidemiology of Alzheimer Disease. Cold Spring Harbor Perspective in Medicine 2012;2:a006239
Hy, L. et al.: Urinary Incontinence in Alzheimer’s Disease. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias

Proteínas, gordura e glucose

Terapia nutricional

1 Becker, C. (2006): Mangelernährung senkt die Chancen. Pharmazeutische Zeitung 2006 (15). (viewed on 01 March 2018)
2 Hartig, W., Biesalski, H.K., Druml, W., Fürst, P., & Weimann, A. (Hrsg., 2004): Ernährungs- und Infusionstherapie. Standards für Klinik, Intensivstation und Ambulanz (8th edition)

Três vezes por semana


1 Liyanage, T., et al. (2015): Worldwide access to treatment for end-stage kidney disease: A systematic review. Lancet 385: 1975-82
2 Coresh, J., & Jafar, T.H. (2015): Disparities in worldwide treatment of kidney failure. Lancet 385: 1926-28 3 McMahon, E.J., et al. (2013): A randomized trial of dietary sodium restriction in CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 24 (12): 2096-2103